My name is Richard Keyt. I am an Arizona estate planning attorney who has practiced law in Arizona since 1980. I am also the Arizona gun trust lawyer®. I want to prepare your Arizona NFA gun trust for a fixed fee of $600.
I collaborate with Florida attorney David Goldman, THE gun trust lawyer® and author of the fabulous website appropriately named the Gun Trust Lawyer Blog. David Goldman is a National Firearms Act (NFA) expert who has prepared over 1,000 gun trusts. He is the author of the NFA gun trust agreement that I modified to comply with Arizona trust and gun laws. It is David's Arizona specific gun trust agreement that I offer to Arizona residents.
Our NFA Gun Trust is protected by US Copyright Laws and designed from the ground up to protect the firearms and those who are using or may be in possession of the firearms from the penalties proscribed by state laws and the NFA. Our NFA Gun Trust has been rewritten with these principals in mind. The gun trust agreement instructs the trustmakers, trustees, successor trustees, and beneficiaries on their rights, duties, and qualifications and guides them through the proper way to purchase, use, and transfer the firearms under Arizona and federal laws and regulations. Each NFA Gun Trust comes with a comprehensive instructional memorandum that covers how to purchase, transfer, use, share, transport, store the firearms as well as how to use the trust based on questions and feedback from thousands of clients.
What You Get for $600
When you hire us to prepare your NFA gun trust for $600 we will provide the following services:
1. Free phone calls with an gun trust lawyer® to answer your gun trust questions.
2. A custom drafted NFA Gun Trust Agreement – This is your actual trust document.
3. A Certification of Trust – This is a short, abbreviated document that can be used to give to third parties to prove the existence of your gun trust. It is signed before a notary by a trustee of the gun trust who states in the document the name of the trust, the date it was created, the name(s) of the trustee(s) and the powers held by the trustee(s) under the trust agreement. When a third party such as a bank asks for a copy of your trust you give the third party this document rather than your actual trust agreement, which is a confidential document.
4. Assignment of NFA Firearms to Trust – This is the document by which the owner of an NFA firearm transfers ownership of the weapon to the trustee(s) of the NFA Gun Trust.5.
5. David Goldman's comprehensive NFA Gun Trust Instructional Memorandum that explains how to purchase, transfer, use, share, transport, store the firearms as well as how to use the gun trust based on questions and feedback David has gotten from thousands of his gun trust clients.
6. Digital Document Storage of Your Documents – After the trustmaker and trustee(s) sign the Gun Trust Agreement and the Certification of Trust and you send the entire signed documents to us, we will scan your documents and keep them in our digital document management system in case you lose your original documents and all copies.
How to Hire Richard Keyt & David Goldman to Prepare a Custom-Drafted NFA Gun Trust for an Arizona Resident
If you are an Arizona resident and have questions about whether you should use an Arizona gun trust to own NFA title II firearms or any gun trust related questions and want a free answer from a gun trust lawyer®, call:
- Richard Keyt (licensed to practice law in Arizona) at 480-664-7478, or
- David Goldman (licensed to practice law in Florida) at (877) 7GUN – LAW or (904) 685-1200.
Our gun trust preparation service is very easy and efficient.
Complete Our Online Arizona NFA Gun Trust Preparation Agreement
When you have the answers to all your questions and are ready to hire Richard Keyt and David Goldman to prepare your NFA gun trust just do the following:
1. Complete our online fillable Arizona NFA Gun Trust Preparation Agreement.
2. Print the agreement and sign it.
3. Fax (to 602-297-6890 – no cover page needed) or scan and email (to [email protected]) the signed Arizona Gun Trust Preparation Agreement to Richard Keyt per the instructions on the last page of the document.
4. Click on the link on the last page of the form to go to my secure online store and pay for your trust with your Visa or MasterCard. If you don't want to pay online, call KEYTLaw legal assistant at 602-906-4953, ext. 5 and give your credit card information over the phone.
It is as easy as that. Three to five business days after we get your signed Arizona Gun Trust Preparation Agreement and payment we will email your gun trust and related documents to you in Adobe pdf format. If you need your gun trust sooner, we have a one business day and a three business day expedited document preparation service for $200 and $100 respectively.