Many people have complimented us on our ebook. They like it because the ebook simplifies and explains a lot of estate planning concepts that can be confusing. Readers also say that the illustrations are very helpful. Please recommend Family Asset Protection to your loved ones and friends by forwarding this message to them.
Chapter 1. Estate Planning
Chapter 2. Primary Reason to Have a Trust
Chapter 3. Examples of Bad Estate Planning by the Rich and Famous
Chapter 4. Family Asset Protection Checklist
Chapter 5. Learn Who Will Inherit Your Assets if You Die?
Chapter 6. Ten Reasons to Sign a Will or a Trust
Chapter 7. Trusts Explained from A to Z
Chapter 8. Funding Your Trust
Chapter 9. Trustees Explained
Chapter 10. Three Stages in the Life of a Married Couple’s Trust
Chapter 11. What Happens to the Trust After the First Spouse Dies?
Chapter 12. Two Stages in the Life of a Single Person’s Trust
Chapter 13, How to Give Assets to Loved Ones in an Asset Protected Trust
Chapter 14. Federal Estate Tax
Chapter 15. How to Prevent the IRS from Getting 40% of Life Insurance
Chapter 16. Contents & Cost of an Estate Plan with a Trust
Chapter 17. Special Needs Trusts
Chapter 18. How to Hire Us to Create Your Estate Plan
Our Estate Plan
$3,497 for a single person and $4,497 for a couple. If you bought our Gold LLC within four months of the date you pay for your estate plan you get a $1,000 discount. This plan includes a revocable living trust that provides that the assets in your trust pass automatically on your death (or on the death of both spouses if you are married) to an irrevocable beneficiary controlled asset protected trust created for each of your heirs and their descendants. Your heirs inherited assets in their trusts will be protected for life from their creditors, ex-spouses and bankruptcy courts. Each heir's trust is also a "dynasty trust" that creates a trust for your heirs children on the heir's death. See "A Smart Option for Transferring Wealth Through Generations: The Dynasty Trust."
To purchase our estate plan:
- complete our Estate Plan questionnaire and
- make an office or phone appointment for a free consultation to answer your questions and design your estate plan.